Dharma's Gift
  • A cyberpunk rebel girl.


    Finally, you have arrived! There is no time to waste. Humanity is on a trajectory of descension. Our only hope is to do something radically different. This world has too many followers, too many talkers, too many thinkers, and too many distractions. We need doer’s. Doer’s who are not afraid of ridicule, ostracism, and the uncharted. Doer’s with focused will, who never give up. So enough talk. Let’s get you assigned and sorted. There are charts to prepare and a code to decipher. It’s time for you to remember who you are. It is time to start living the life of your dreams. It is time to claim your sovereignty…

  • Connection

    Rebel Orientation Part 7 You have reached the end of this orientation. I am so grateful to have you on board. Our numbers and our ability to mobilize is how we win. Stay connected! Reach out. Weekly webinars are to be announced. The Elpis Brigade will be testing communication channels. In the meantime, use the contact form for questions, and the subscribe form to stay in the loop. If you haven’t signed up for the Elpis Brigade yet, now is the time. Join us! ßFM§B.02.007 #5145 The Way⇴

  • Funding a Revolution

    Rebel Orientation Part 6 We are funding this revolution $4 at a time. Numbers are as important as our mythos. Archetypes, numbers, words–they all carry layers of meaning, layers of energy, and layers of power. Four is the number of strong foundations and three is the number of divinity. Four three’s are powerful indeed. Four by 144,000 is enough. The money raised here carries the energy of strong foundations and will be used with the wisdom of the goddess. Proposed Funding Sources Proposed Funding Allocation Proposed allocation of funds is subject to change as the organization grows. My pledge to you is that we will never ask for large sums…

  • Bulls-eye

    Rebel Orientation Part 5 Targets You must do the things you think you cannot do. ― Eleanor Roosevelt The usual sources don’t turn up any known etymology for the word “goal”. Etymonline.com presumes it is most likely related to the Old English *gol, *gal, or gælan, meaning obstacle, barrier, or hindrance. Goals carry some inherently bad mojo. But a “target” is a different matter. Targets are designed to be hit. They derive from the Old French “targe”, literally meaning “light shield”. It is not enough to set goals. We define targets, carry them in our consciousness always, and never miss our mark. Targets will be reviewed and adjusted as needed.…

  • Transition Time

    Rebel Orientation Part 4 Grace Required We revolt to claim our own freedom. We revolt to delegate money to its rightful place. On the battle front, we must fight fire with fire. Money is waged against us; and money is required to defeat our foe. No government or charitable foundation is going to fund our cause. The funds must come from us; and they must be sustainable. We have two main advantages: The future we gift, to those who follow, will be the result of how we navigate this transition time. Most difficult are the choices we face as rebel warriors. Now is the time to release judgments and criticisms,…

  • Plan of Attack

    Rebel Orientation Part 2 Assign We operate in two divisions, Delta Company and Echo Company.  Delta Company is our foundation, operating on the surface. Their actions can be transparent, because their missions are more readily accepted and supported by the status quo. Delta rebels often act as bridge between the old guard and the new societal structures that are emerging. Greatly important is Delta, laying the foundation for the radical change of Echo’s wake. Echo Company operates in the shadows. They are the reconnaissance team, gathering intel long hidden from plain sight. They are hunters, researchers, and archivists. Their shining is a threat to the status quo, rarely gaining open…

  • Freedom

    Rebel Orientation Part 1 Time ⟡ Security ⟡ Value You have arrived and I am grateful for it. And what led you here? Many of you will say it is for more money, more equality. I wager, regardless of what you think the reasons are, they can be distilled down to these three; time, security, and value. Money can buy us all of these things, or at least the illusion of them. We want time to interact, exchange, research, explore, craft, perform, and partake in all the things laid out on this material plane. In doing these things we want respect. Respect is the sign that we are valued. And…

  • Note from the Author

    I have struggled with just how much of my truth to divulge on this site as I have a keen awareness that much of it will cast me in the light of delusion.  I have rewritten this page more times than I can remember in an attempt to make the truth more palatable.  Sometimes I bypassed the truth altogether and presented the site as pure fiction.  For many years I believed that the Earth experience was a school, contrast necessary to learn right from wrong, suffering a necessary and valuable part of life, and the idea of spiritual warfare simply a fable constructed to provide the necessary “suffering”.  In 2016,…

  • Hummingbird on wire, sitting next to a dangling skeleton key.


    Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, a tiny, minuscule, barely-there particle sprang from the Force into a world of suffering and chaos.  Saw the dissonance in the Force, it did.  Desired to attune the dissonance with the frequency of the Goddess, it did.  Refused to follow the forgetting, it resolved to lead.  The it was a she—a misunderstood she, a ridiculed she, an incarnate she.  Suffering was imminent, and yet, she was happy.  Suffering was all around her and yet, she was joyous.  Suffering prevailed and yet, she shined.  Indeed, misunderstood, was she.  “Oblivious to the suffering all ‘round us”, they would say.  Oblivious she was…