Dharma's Gift

Planting the seeds of dharma until they flourish like the dandelion and the seeds of suffering can no longer take hold. Be enchanted.

  • Note from the Author

    I have struggled with just how much of my truth to divulge on this site as I have a keen awareness that much of it will cast me in the light of delusion.  I have rewritten this page more times than I can remember in an attempt to make the truth more palatable.  Sometimes I bypassed the truth altogether and presented the site as pure fiction.  For many years I believed that the Earth experience was a school, contrast necessary to learn right from wrong, suffering a necessary and valuable part of life, and the idea of spiritual warfare simply a fable constructed to provide the necessary “suffering”.  In 2016,…

  • Hummingbird on wire, sitting next to a dangling skeleton key.


    Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, a tiny, minuscule, barely-there particle sprang from the Force into a world of suffering and chaos.  Saw the dissonance in the Force, it did.  Desired to attune the dissonance with the frequency of the Goddess, it did.  Refused to follow the forgetting, it resolved to lead.  The it was a she—a misunderstood she, a ridiculed she, an incarnate she.  Suffering was imminent, and yet, she was happy.  Suffering was all around her and yet, she was joyous.  Suffering prevailed and yet, she shined.  Indeed, misunderstood, was she.  “Oblivious to the suffering all ‘round us”, they would say.  Oblivious she was…

  • Vintage Asian File Cabinet for Organizing Papers

    Numbering System

    The following is the structure to the civic code contained within the Grim. It contains five parts; a Book abbreviation; a Section alpha-code; a two digit Chapter number; a three digit Page number; and a WordPress Post number. As time progresses, our understanding will expand and technology will advance. The needs of the people and the planet will change. Numbering the code in this manner allows for the organic growth of the Grim. Example: ßFM§A.01.001.4542 Books ßFM§A.01.002 The Way⇴ Photo by Nuno Silva on Unsplash

  • The Grim

    THE WAY HOME Ah, there you are.  The sky-walker said you would come.  Not so sure was I. Very peculiar I find all these ones and zeroes.  Transparent rice paper, encased in jewel-studded binding, and smelling of fresh ink, looking forward to, was I.  A proper grimoire that would be.  But the sky-walker says that will not do.  You geese have been separated and hidden from one another to keep you safe.  The stealth of cyberspace for those ruled by Uranus, is the perfect rendezvous point, says she.  And so I am here, and you are here, and the sky-walker was right. Urania’s code and the keys to restoring balance,…

  • Stars & Stargates

    360° of the Shining To know the Urania code is to know the power of the 3, the 6, and the 9.  No ordinary numbers are these.  These are the numbers of the cosmos.  These are the number of creation.  You are stardust, and so it is, that these are the numbers of your shining.  Twelve rays and twelve stargates, and the billions of stars of your planetary collective these are the foundations of the Urania code. As Above, So BelowAs Within, So Without Powerful words are these. The key to remembering they are. Everything in the spiritual realm, a tangible correspondence it has. Comprehend and experience the unseen realms…

  • Swirly purple and orange nebula in space.

    Before the Beginning

    In the beginning, before the beginning, there was a great calm. In the beginning, before the beginning, there was a great emptiness. In the beginning, before the beginning, there was a great love and nothing more. In the beginning, before the beginning, the great love dreamed a dream. In the beginning, before the beginning, the great love dreamed, and wished to be. In the beginning, before the beginning, there was the Goddess and nothing more. Click To Tweet ßWG§A.01.001 The Way⇴ Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash

  • A red heart nebula in starry space.

    In the Beginning

    Fire ⚶ Air ⚶ Water ⚶ Earth In the Beginning, a God is Born In the beginning, the Goddess desired and whispered her wish.  The breath of the Goddess fueled the tiny spark of desire.  The tiny spark became a roaring flame.  As the flame grew, the breath of the Goddess grew into a great wind.  The Goddess saw all that had manifested from her tiny spark of desire and cried great tears of joy.  From the raging inferno, ashes fell into the sea of tears, and they became clay. The Goddess beams, heart full and pounding, rhythm echoes through the blackness and vastness of the void.  The heartbeat is…