Dharma's Gift

The Divine Axes

Your desire to be, born of the emptiness of the Goddess has propelled you onto the path of a great mission.  There are six distinct objectives that must be met.  Each objective contains an aspect of “self” and an aspect of “other”.  To meet these objectives, you must be aware of them. The six axes create 12 points and result in a perfect 360-degree circle.  However, based on the time of birth, the 12 points are not always equally spaced.  These spaces are the “houses” of the astrological wheel.

This circle represents your unique resonance–a very specific, unique, aspect of the Force.  The objective required for each house must be met for the effective operation of all of the other houses.  They are dependent on one another.  Each axis consists of a starting point and an ending point.  The starting point represents what is needed by you as an individual; the ending point represents what is needed by you as part of the collective.  There is “you” that exists as an individual.  There is “you” that exists as the Force.  Both are you at every moment of every day.  You can express a unique aspect of the force but you cannot separate from it.  The Force is you, always.  The six axes provide you with everything that both aspects of yourself need.  Your individual needs are not in opposition nor contradictory to your needs as part of the Force.  They are simply connected.  The Way of the Goddess is to keep the balance between the two.

The line of the axis is the doorway to the house it creates.  This doorway is often referred to as a cusp.  Some houses may have two cusps and therefore two doorways.  The sign on the cusp of an astrological house shows us where to look for its Key.  The Key opens the door allowing us access to what we need.  To be able to find the Keys, we must first know the natural rulerships.  The natural rulerships are the code that shows us where the keys to your houses have been hidden.

  1. Avatar Axis
  2. Power Axis
  3. Navigation Axis
  4. Stability Axis
  5. Emulation Axis
  6. Practice Axis


The Way⇴